Back in 2016 I read some articles about some unfortunate men who accidently got the condition macrophallus from medical ailments and wonder if I could replicate
it to an extent in a more controlled manor as a method of penis enlargment, so I gave it a go. Over the course of the next 4 and half months I did a quasi scientific
experiment on some assumptions I made based on what I learned about how I think the penis develops.
For starters I needed a control to compare results too, and a few months before starting this experiement I had made a silcone cast of my penis for an art
reference (I draw porn as a hobby :v), and felt it was perfect for the task, so I present the REFERENCE DONG. It's almost spot on 6 inches long, and imo kind of a thick boi.
Before we dive into the process, I am not sharing my methods. Partly because I don't know the safety of the process, and I kind of want something that sets me aprt from other people. Over
the course of the next 4 and a half months I took update pictures ever other week and tracked the process. I made a gif out of the results and am including a few stills from the process as well.
Forgive the weird borders on the stills, they are frames from the gif and everything was aligned in software to the REFERENCE DONG to show the increase in size with a steady reference.
Around this point I got some really harsh comments from someone that was really upset that I would not share my methodology and had a bit of a mental breakdown and ceased everything.
I didn't do any documentation or measuring this time, so I am unsure how much of the progress I lost total from not doing any maintainance. I have since (during the great pandemic of 2020) restarted with a
new regiment and after about a month on it I have checked my progress and I am currently an inch larger than my reference and half an inch away from my previous max. I don't really plan on posting any public
updates to my current attempts unless I can document my immediate goal of 10 inches (and then onward to 12, and my dream of 14 if things hold out, and I probably would not stop there if I was still getting results tbh...)
A couple of notes in closing:
- I was 36 when I did this, so you don't have to be young to get a bigger dick, just have a healthy one
- The pictures don't go all the way to the base because I'm a bit tubby and it's really hard to hold a REFERENCE DONG to your dick and take a picture at the same time :/
- I was wearing a ring in all of the pics and when I made the REFRENCE DONG because I was trying to maintain an erection of equivalent strength in all cases
The documentation
About a month in
Around 3 months in
The 4.5 month mark (again, the weirdness at the bottom was from aligning the pictures I took to match the reference dong in every pic)